
In September 2020, PR6a was allocated in the Cherwell Local Plan Partial Review for the development of new homes, a primary school and a local centre. It is a unique site, which has a close relationship with Oxford and Kidlington, with opportunities to create a well-considered scheme with a coordinated approach to placemaking, landscape and sustainability.

Bellway Homes acquired the Water Eaton (PR6a) site in September 2022 from Christ Church and is bringing the site forward for development, with Christ Church maintaining a leading role in the site’s stewardship.

In May 2023, Bellway Homes and Christ Church submitted an outline planning application for Water Eaton to Cherwell District Council. Cherwell District Council resolved to approve the outline planning application for Water Eaton on Thursday 6 June 2024. We are now working on the conditions which must be met before development starts and Section 106 agreement arrangements. The outline application can be viewed via Cherwell District Council’s website here.

To receive updates and information directly about the project please register your details with us HERE.

The history behind the name Water Eaton

During the initial round of consultation we held in October 2021 we invited views on naming the site 'Water Eaton' after the Manor within which it is located.

Discussion on this with Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council determined that it was felt appropriate, not least because there is currently no settlement of Water Eaton.

Based on this feedback we have decided to name the scheme Water Eaton.

Submitted Masterplan - May 2023

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